JBFCS The Shira Ruskay Center

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Helping Jewish Organizations and Congregations

For Rabbis and Cantors

Rabbis and cantors are often called upon to provide care for patients and families who move through the trajectory of serious and life-threatening illness. This can be a daunting responsibility as it is added to the already heavy burden of ritual, teaching, and administrative responsibility.

The Shira Ruskay Center provides information and support for clergy as they provide support for those facing serious or life-threatening illness, as well as loss. We can:

  • Serve as a resource to which patients and families may be referred.
  • Provide information and resources to meet the needs of patients and families.
  • Provide assistance in program planning for your community. Presentation topics include: Health Care Proxies, Ethical Wills, End-of-Life Care, Effective Use of the Health Care System, Caring for Parents when Roles Reverse, and Hospice Care [more topics...].
  • Provide assistance to enable members of your community to learn to "share the care."
  • Provide speakers and workshop leaders.
  • Provide volunteer Doulas to accompany and comfort those who are at the end of life and have limited available supports.
  • Provide individual pastoral support to the clergy person who is dealing with a situation that touches him/her in a particularly personal way.

For Synagogues, JCCs, Y’s and Jewish Communal Organizations

People who have strong support systems cope more effectively with the stress of serious illness. Synagogues, community centers and communal organizations have the potential to be natural helping networks that provide their members with information, guidance and support; their ability to cope may thereby be enhanced.

We regularly give presentations and lead workshops tailored to groups large and small. Topics we have presented include: Ethical Wills: A Spiritual Legacy; Health Care Proxies: Honoring Your Wishes; Using the Health Care System Effectively; End-of-Life Care; Caring for Parents when Roles Reverse and Hospice Care.

We can provide:

  • Assistance for community institutions to develop or increase their capacity to function as a strong mutual support system.
  • Support in planning programs for your community and offering speakers and workshops for your staff or community.
  • Volunteer Doulas to accompany and comfort those who are at the end of life and have limited available supports.
  • Information and resources for rabbis, cantors, staff members and community leaders to assist them in meeting the needs of congregants and members.

Contact us:

  • When planning educational programs for congregations, community centers and other Jewish organizations.
  • When members need assistance in coping with serious or life-threatening illness.
  • When "sharing the care" and developing mutual support or Bikur Cholim is a goal.

To discuss how we may be able to help, contact us at: (212) 632-4608 or

Jewish Connections Programs

©2011 The Shira Ruskay Center
135 West 50th Street, 6th Floor · New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 632-4608 · Fax: (212) 399-2475 ·
[JBFCS site] [Jewish Connections Programs]