JBFCS The Shira Ruskay Center

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About the Shira Ruskay Center


The Shira Ruskay Center was founded in 1997 to assist seriously ill patients, their families and loved ones. We assist with navigating the complex and often chaotic health and social service systems, thereby enabling access to better and more comprehensive care.

The center is named in memory of Shira Ruskay, who was an active member of our initial advisory committee. Both in her work and in her life, Shira, a hospice social worker, modeled the compassionate, sensitive caring that can make such a difference to patients and families as they face illness or impending death.

The “Doula to Accompany and Comfort Program” was initiated in October 2000. Trained volunteer Doulas visit people who are at the end-of-life, especially those with limited supports. Doulas work with one patient at a time, in collaborating hospitals, nursing homes and community agencies.

JHHASince 2003, the Shira Ruskay Center has been the designated New York City Regional Care Center of the Jewish Healing and Hospice Alliance, an initiative of UJA-Federation of New York. The goal of the initiative is to enhance support and care for the Jewish community when serious illness is present. As part of this larger initiative, the Shira Ruskay Center has been able to increase our services to meet the complex needs of the Jewish community. Regional Care Centers have also been established in Westchester and Long Island.


We are with you in the community! Our staff are located in JBFCS site offices throughout NYC:

Main office
135 West 50th St, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10020
212 632-4608
Staff available: Mon-Fri

Boro Park Office
1273 53rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
718 686-1795
Staff available: Mon-Thurs

Riverdale Office
521 West 239th St, Room 311
Riverdale, NY 10463
718 601-9714
Staff available: Tues and Thurs

Mid-Brooklyn Office
2233 Nostrand Avenue, 3rd floor, Room 216
Brooklyn, NY 11210
718 434-0109
Staff available: Mon-Thurs

Jewish Connections Programs

©2011 The Shira Ruskay Center
135 West 50th Street, 6th Floor · New York, NY 10020
Phone: (212) 632-4608 · Fax: (212) 399-2475 ·
[JBFCS site] [Jewish Connections Programs]